Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

Waiting for the 24-70 f2.8 lens and MB D10

keep waiting and keep dreaming to get the MB D10 battery pack for my new D700 camera and the 24-70mm nikkor lens. i must buy this lens because i don't have a prime FX zoom lens. the problem is i just spend much money for bought a new camera, so i must start to save my money again. i hope next month there is a miracle so i can buy this two expensive things that totallly cost about $2100.

Nikon MB D-10

the nikon 24-70 mm F2.8 IF ED

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Finally got my D700

yeay, I got new nikon D700. its a full frame (fx format) camera body....
its worth about $2600, expensive but its quite worth it for me, because its give a sharper image in high iso, now im not worried taking pics at iso above 800. so thankies for my parents for this perfect, awesome and EXPENSIVE camera body... :P

here are the pictures

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Amazing Lens

nikkor 70-200mm F2.8 VR lens

nikon 70-200mm F2.8 VR lens is the best choice for your photography activities, it has a very fast focus. this lens is also include the VR ( Vibration Reduction) that prevent a blurry image that cause by your handshake. I love using this lens because Its optics and mechanics are superlative for everything a full-time career professional news or sports photographer would want to shoot with it, on any Nikon digital or modern film camera. but it price very expensive about $1900.

77mm filter diameter

its weight about 1500 grams

this lens include the tripod shoe, a characteristics of a professional telephoto zoom lens

simple focus ring!!!

Overall, its a very very good lens but its cost too expensive!!!!

My hongkong summer holiday trip

In 1 july 2009 I went to Hongkong and Macau for Spend my summer holiday. I took a few beautiful object there, here are some example of the pics

Dolphin at the Ocean Theatre, Ocean Park, Hongkong

St Paul cathedral, Macau

Artificial waterfalls in disneyland, Hongkong

Venetian hotel,Macau

Disnyland main gate, Hongkong

Main Street Usa, Disneyland, Hongkong

Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Awalnya dari hobi

Pertamanya saya memang hobi fotografi sejak berumur 4 tahun. Awalnya saya terobsesi melihat seorang fotografer di tempat pernikahan tante saya mulai dari situ rasa ingin tahu saya akan kamera mulai berkobar. Kamera pertama akhirnya saya dapatkan dari bank bali pada saat itu sekitar tahun 1997 (kalo tidak salah). Kamera yang saya dapatkan itu manual film, tidak seperti sekarang zaman sudah berbeda segala sesuatu sekarang serba digital. akhirnya eksperimen dengan kamera berakhir pada tahun 2006 dengan merusakkan kamera manual film sebanyak 12 buah. setelah itu mulailah saya dengan Dslr saya yang pertama hingga sekarang.
Dan saya langsung ikut sekolah photography disana saya ikut ke dalam kelas basic selama liburan 7X pertemuan, namun karena sibuk menjalani pendidikan di sekolah saya belum melanjutkan kelas yang lebih atas lagi.